
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Information Report / Food Pyramid

 Today’s writing task we had to write a information report about food pyramid. We had write it and we also had to write and answer some questions on our information report. This task was really fun because we had to do it with buddies and we had to work together to make this piece of work. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

24hour beach digital foot print

 Task description: today’s cybersmart task we all had to make a digital foot print. But the thing is we had only put the websites we went on in the last 24hour. This is what we had to do for today’s cybersmart task. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Mihi & Pepeha / Screen Castify

For our Te Reo task we had to record ourselves saying and sharing our peheha and our mihi. The point of this task was to make us confident so we can share our mhi and pepeha in our morning pae pae session.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Respect Animation / Picking Rubbish

 For this task we had to create a animation or a image showing respect and kindness. This task was really fun for me so I could understand more about kindness and understand more about things we can do to respect others. Enjoy!

Friday, June 18, 2021

Kiwi Kids News / Quiz

 Task Description:

For this task I had done a kiwi kids news quiz. I had to answer 10 questions and I got all of them right. Some of the questions were easy to answer.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Life Eduction Lessons/Reflection

 Today we had to write some reflections of the time we went to take lessons with Harold the giraffe and Whaea Nicole. What we learnt during the lessons is our feelings and our personality and also our actions. We also learnt that we have a mind hasseler and a mind hero. These lessons taught well in our doings.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Mood and Atmosphere Writing

 Today’s task for writing we had to create mood and atmosphere in our writing. We had to plan our writing on our first slide and then we add it all together. This task was really good and nice for my brain. This is the task for today’s writing task.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Rat and the Octopus / Setting

 For this task we all had to watch a video of the legendary story of Rat and the Octopus. We had to write in a doc of how we felt about the video and write down what mood it gives us. If you are wondering what the setting looks like it is a sunset in the Tonga ocean and it gives me a vibe mood because it is so beautiful to look at. This is the task we had to do for our reading task. Enjoy

Friday, June 11, 2021

Showing sentence Vs Telling sentence

 For this task we had show the difference between showing writing vs telling writing. There was a lot of detail in this task and this task was very interesting.

Solving math problems / subtraction


 For my maths task we had three problems to solve. We had three subtraction problems and we had to solve them and explain how we solved it. This is what my math task was today.

Text Analysis / Mood Atmosphere

 Today’s task was text analysis. For this text we had to insert photo and we had to make a mood about the photo and we had to show what modded it gives us. This was really interesting it was interesting because I was using my brain more than ever.  

Thursday, June 3, 2021

PwC Financial Literacy Blog

 On a cold wet Wednesday morning a group of friends from a community named PwC which stands for Price WaterHouse Cooper. They came along and taught us about income. But of course firstly they introduced themselves to us and right there I knew we were going to have a amazing time with them. The first and mostly interest activity was a activity that included. Hoopla hoops, sag bags and fake money. How to play was you had to put your self to groups of three or more and you had to put down three hoopla hoops and money inside of it and you had to throw the sag bags you got into the hoops and how many money in the you threw the sag bag in you get for your income. 

Next activity we had to stay in our same groups and we were learning to spend our income when we receive it. This is how the game works for those who don’t know. Of course we stayed in the same teams and we had a sheet of paper which also had sections  to spend in it. This activity took us right up to morning tea.  After morning tea we one more activity. But this one was slightly different to the first two. 

This one you are still in your groups and this time you had to come up with a skit. It could be a good or mean bad one. It is about a borrower and a lender. After everything finished we all had a great time taking photos at the end.